Previous Episode: Epidose 26 - Influentia!

Scooping out great fistfuls of hogflesh: argument over who gets the choicest meat; me wants the bellymeat, no no no me wants the headmeat...  Delicately flick the pointed tip of one's tongue into the vacant snout to slurp at the cool jelly up there.  It is not true that we are three meals away from barbarism; we are there already.

Listen Now.

Why not instead feast your auricles on these nourishing plats du jour:

Linda McCartney - The Light Comes From Within
Les Ouaiscécool - Les Cités d'Or
The Sisterhood Of Convoluted Thinkers - The New Style Poetry
Sun City Girls - El Mirage
Hala Strana - Burh
Multiphonic Ensemble - Fret

When the porker's picked down to its puckered bones, the prickling curly tail may yet prove invaluable as a toothpick. I do so love reading your emails.  One day I may publish a compendium of the best.  It will be a slender tome indeed. [email protected].

Twenty minutes. No refunds.