So many layers of cryptic meaning envelop this week's Epidose that I feel frankly giddy just imagining the possibility of thinking about it.

Listen Now.

You are intelligent creatures, at least so I'm given to understand, so you'll have no problem in whittling out the obdurate reality lurking behind these gauzy fairy-sprinkles of discombobulating glamour.

Wire - I Am The Fly
Richard Thompson - Shaky Nancy
Brian Eno & Robert Wyatt - Flies
A Life Once Lost - Prepare Yourself For What Is About To Come
Syd Barrett - Wolfpack
Thee Headcoats - Sex And Lies

Did you locate the hidden hobgoblin? Very astute -- award yourself a blancmange, and forward your research paper to the department of esoteric studies: [email protected].

Twenty minutes. No refunds.