Throw open your curlews, gentlefolds, and behold the tremulous chirruping of damsel-pies in dewy-fronded distress.  What menacingly trite apparitions come emanating from yonder dismal crenels and merlons?  Be it bunyip?  Or quinkin?  Ebu Gogo?  Popobawa?  Oh, all of these, all of these crawling slimy things, all the nightmares that lay a clammy flap upon the prickling neck...

Listen Now.

All throughout the night come the wingtips of a moth to brush against the cheek, and the whispered sounds of:

OOIOO - Gamel Uma Umo
Silver Apples - Oscillations
Marc Hollander - DBB (Double Bind Baby)
Ant-Bee - Eating Chocolate Cake (In the Bath)
Brothomstates - Qtio
Bran Van 3000 - Stepchild

Troubled by unwanted quinkins dismantling your merlons?  Seek help from [email protected] who will be only too happy to advise otherwise.

Twenty minutes.  No refunds.