On the summit skyline, a series of T-shapes in silhouette against thunderclouds. The bearded ones wander freely, unnoticed and undetected.  Is it such a terrible thing, this thing they do?  Since when has justice not allied herself to persecution?  Parking restriction notices are the impenetrable glyphs of the apocalypse.

Listen Now.

The warden comes a-wombling with his blackbook and pen, whistling the following jaunty melodies:

Adrian Baker - Vibrations
Gros Phoque Sergio - Fruits
Ivor Cutler - I Worn My Elbows
Mayo Thompson - Venus In The Morning
Kuricorder Quartet - Apao's Trip
Narcoleptics - Bombs Away
Luke Abbott - 2nd 5th Heavy
Grandaddy - Go Progress Chrome

Have you identified a troublesome bearded one in our very midst? Send what you know to [email protected] for your bounteous reward.

Twenty minutes. No refunds.