In today’s episode I talk to Marnie Gowans, a women’s mentor, yoga teacher and reiki practitioner. In this episode we discuss how separating from her husband in 2020 led her on a new journey of self-discovery, the importance of understanding our values and creating boundaries, how she healed sister wounds and has now built deep and meaningful relationships with other women, how our relationship with our parents can influence everything from our self-worth, to career choices, to our choice of romantic partner, how we can lose ourselves when seeking out a romantic relationship, navigating the world of dating in 2021, understanding men and creating a divine union with a romantic partner and so much more. This is such a deep and juicy episode and I’m so grateful to Marnie for bravely sharing her story and insights with us.


Marnie recommended the books:

Untamed by Glennon Doyle

Daring Greatly by Brene Brown

The Gifts Of Imperfection by Brene Brown


We also discussed the book The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk, in relation to the body holding onto trauma.


We love hearing your episode takeaways. Screenshot this episode, and tag @lynda.stretton and @marniegowans on Instagram.

If you love this episode, please leave a rating and review so we can reach and support more women worldwide. If you do, make sure you send an email to [email protected] so I can send you your FREE Embrace Your Feminine Essence guide.


Also, don’t forget, I’ve just launched my brand new 6 week program, Back To You, with my beautiful friend Laura Taylor. This program is for every busy high achieving woman, who has disconnected from their body and the messages it is giving them. The program creates a safe space each week to understand your body’s messages, and heal through our signature combination of nutritional therapy, energy healing, movement, journaling and meditation. You can find out more here.


Let's connect:

Visit my website to find out more about working with me

Come hang out on Instagram where I share a tonne of free content

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Let's connect on clubhouse where I host free trainings every Monday: @lynda.stretton


About Marnie

Marnie is a women’s mentor, yoga teacher and reiki practitioner on a mission to connect women back to their heart, intuition and inner guidance, and mirror back the truth that is already within them. Marnie will help you bring the art of ritual and feminine flow into your everyday life and she is passionate about holistic health practices and low-tox living.

Through Marnie’s own life experiences, she has a deep desire to explore the field of relationships and take women on the journey of self-discovery with the intention of creating thriving relationships and creating a ripple effect on all other areas of their lives.

Enrollment for Marnie’s brand new relationships group coaching program opens Tuesday 9th March.

Connect with Marnie via her website or Instagram.