About Shalini:

Shalini Dharna is an accountant and financial health advocate. As a CPA she educates and empowers business owners to love their numbers and use them to make informed business decisions. Numbers aren't scary, but making the changes necessary to improve your finances can be overwhelming. That's where DharnaCPA comes in. With guidance and expert advice, your financial goals can become reality. Outside of tax planning and financial strategy, Shalini does public speaking engagements on various financial literacy topics. Her goal is to help you get financially healthy both in your business and personal finances.





Book a complimentary 15 minute discovery call – www.calendly.com/dharnacpa



00:06 - What the Embrace Your Destiny Podcast is all about

00:25 - Introduction to Shalini Dharna

01:11 - Shalini shares her story

02:40 - Shalini chooses to leave her job and join the family business

05:05 - Working with her dad and his years of expertise means not having to figure everything out on her own

06:42 - Shalini is grateful for the support of her parents and in-laws with her two kids

07:50 - Shalini's biggest lesson

09:28 - The challenge of networking as an entrepreneur, coming from a corporate environment

12:13 - Getting outside your comfort zone is a necessary requirement

13:36 - Dealing with mom guilt

15:09 - Shalini's much closer with her parents now that she works with them

18:28 - Shalini offers advice

19:32 - Ask for help!

20:50 - The importance of having a positive support system

22:42 - Shalini's final thoughts


About your host:

Sandra Dawes is a recovering control freak and excuse maker who works with clients struggling with similar issues. She holds an Honors BA, an MBA and a certificate in Dispute Resolution. After the passing of her father and circumstances that followed, she suffered from bouts of depression and sought the help of psychotherapists. Unwilling to seek pharmaceutical assistance to deal with her chronic unhappiness, she was lead on a journey of self-awareness and forgiveness that changed her life in deep and meaningful ways.

Sandra enjoys spending time with friends and family and her husband Satnam. She published her first book Embrace Your Destiny: 12 Steps to Living the Life You Deserve in 2013.

Sandra was added to the Wall of Role Models by the Diversity Advancement Network in July 2016.

You can find more articles and learn more about Sandra and the programs and products she offers at www.embraceyourdestiny.ca.

You can also find Sandra in the following places:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EmbraceYourDestiny

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/embraceurdestiny

Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/mbraceurdestiny

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