About Tiffany:

Tiffany Areco is a Life Coach who specializes in Radical Forgiveness and helps her clients focus on self-dependence. She also guides restless, and unsettled individuals step by step away from boredom and comfort towards an unapologetic life

After overcoming abusive and manipulative relationships, Tiffany uses her story and personal experience to support her clients as they find their inner strength, redefine their purpose, and love their daily lives. You can follow her at tiffanyareco.com and @tiffanyareco



00:05 - What the Embrace Your Destiny podcast is all about

00:25 - Introduction to Tiffany Areco

01:07 - Tiffany shares her story

03:07 - Amazing first year of relationship

03:57 - Tiffany's partner starts to face pressure

06:30 - Tiffany gets blamed for the situation

07:50 - Signs things weren't the way Tiffany thought

09:20 - Tiffany cautioned by friends and family

10:00 - Tiffany decides she wants a different life

11:30 - Tiffany falls back into the trap

13:38 - Radio show makes Tiffany think

14:45 - Tiffany finds more evidence that things are not what they seem

15:50 - Tiffany commits to doing things differently

17:52 - Tiffany's biggest lesson

22:24 - Grateful for growth

23:56 - Tiffany takes responsibility for her part

24:54 - Tiffany offers advice to anyone in a similar situation

31:11 - Don't allow anyone to tell you what you can and cannot do

32:20 - People treat us the way we allow them to


About your host:

Sandra Dawes is a recovering control freak and excuse maker who works with clients struggling with similar issues. She holds an Honors BA, an MBA and a certificate in Dispute Resolution. After the passing of her father and circumstances that followed, she suffered from bouts of depression and sought the help of psychotherapists. Unwilling to seek pharmaceutical assistance to deal with her chronic unhappiness, she was lead on a journey of self-awareness and forgiveness that changed her life in deep and meaningful ways.

Sandra enjoys spending time with friends and family and her fiance Satnam. She published her first book Embrace Your Destiny: 12 Steps to Living the Life You Deserve in 2013.

Sandra was added to the Wall of Role Models by the Diversity Advancement Network in July 2016.

You can find more articles and learn more about Sandra and the programs and products she offers at www.embraceyourdestiny.ca.

You can also find Sandra in the following places:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EmbraceYourDestiny

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/embraceurdestiny

Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/mbraceurdestiny

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