Erin from Raw Beauty Co. is sitting down to talk with us about all the things... we discuss intuitive eating, mental health, difficult seasons, the Raw Beauty Reset Program and so much more. This is a fun episode because Erin and I go way back - we are even share some embarrassing college memories with listeners PLUS she is the host of her own podcast - Raw Beauty Talks - so she knows her stuff!

What is Raw Beauty?
Raw Beauty accentuates and celebrates the unique beauty within each of us – the perfect, imperfect, scars, sizes and strengths that tell our personal story and define our individual journey.
Women face constant pressure to conform to impossible ideals and societal standards of what beauty means. Raw Beauty focusses on reclaiming our right to feel worthy, empowered, vibrant and loved for exactly who we are.

Inspired Action Takeaway - Listen to the Free Webinar Erin has available and really start to take note of the habits and routines you have around food.

Find Erin's fave Leisure Suits, amazing meditations and more at the Raw Beauty shop here
Instagram : @RawBeautyTalks
Free webinar : 5 Steps to End the Battle with Food and Your Body.
Podcast - Raw Beauty Talks