January is an energetic bridge month between the ending of 2020 and all of the shifts coming in 2021. In this episode, I share the energetic themes and waves making their way through the Collective so you can move with the energy with ease.


The portals explored in this epsiode:

This is the month to empty out and clear space for the new energy, timelines, identities, relationships and missions making their way to you this year. Many of us are in between timelines right now as the Collective timeline splits and creates the most organic timeline for awakening. How to know if you’re in between timelines and how to hop onto your highest timeline, energetically and practically. Another energetic veil has dropped. We can begin to get clear on how we are getting lost in the human play and galactic play of reality so we can liberate ourselves as multidimensional beings. There are energetic storms moving through the Collective. These are not “bad” or “scary”. They are here to help us awaken, evolve, shift and expand! Missions are changing right now as we recognize that we didn’t just come here to awaken. We came to Earth to liberate ourselves through joy, peace and expansion. Bonus: I channel a short Light Language Transmission at the end of the episode to help you anchor in these new energies.


Book a 1:1 session HERE 

Purchase a Light Language Attunement HERE

Want to work with me 1:1? Check out my current offerings at www.sarahbrockman.net

Download the FREE Sovereign Ground Meditation HERE

Intro and Outro Music by Dylan Barlow