As someone who has been sensitive, empathic and introverted, I’ve never felt like I’ve fit in. However, I conditioned myself to be very good at it by changing who I was to be accepted. This made me feel like I never knew who I truly was deep down. I’ve found that Lightworkers are often misfits, rebels, or loners. They may have been bullied or felt isolated. Or they may have felt like they were wearing a mask, molding themselves to “fit in” with what is considered normal in our society. It’s time for the inner misfits, rebels, change makers, trailblazers and lone wolves to own who they are and step into their power. Let your freak flag fly by shining your unique Light!

Here’s what I jam on:

Why it’s so important for us to stop hiding from the parts of ourselves that don’t “fit in” to society. How to celebrate your inner misfit, rebel, and loner wolf with practices to help you connect deeper with these parts of yourself. Why it’s okay to prefer your own company vs. having a giant Soul Tribe. Embracing these parts of yourself is the secret to unlocking your authenticity and stepping into your power as a leader. Unraveling the limiting beliefs behind “fitting in” to feel safe and normal. You’re a trailblazer, you are meant to stand out and play BIG. Why I’m proud to be a loner and have realized that it’s because I’m a leader. I’m not meant to follow others and belong to a giant tribe.

Join my FREE community, Vibrant Souls Collective.

Learn more about my 1:1 program, Vibrant Soul Mentorship.

Say hello to me on Instagram @sarahbrockman.