Welcome to Episode 43!

Welcome to this new rendition of this podcast called The Luminary Woman Podcast 

Today we have Megan Mary with us.

Megan Mary is is a dreamworker that specializes in the analysis of women's dreams to promote transformative personal growth and enlightenment. Founder of Women's Dream Analysis and the Women's Dream Enlightenment podcast, she is an intuitive, introvert, mystic and author. Her debut fiction novel, The Dream Haunters, a metaphysical mystery, will be released in Autumn 2024.

She irmly believes that the symbolic language of dreams, once deciphered, unlocks our innate transformative power, expands our consciousness, and unveils our life's purpose. Her mission is to provide a nurturing and safe environment where women can explore the treasures hidden within their dreams, forging a profound connection with their inner selves and embarking on a transformative journey towards empowerment and self-discovery.

Tune in and hear about

How her personal journey led her to begin dreamwork for women What is Dream Analysis & what are the benefits What the DreamMirror Method is And so much more! 

So, Sit back, let go and fully and completely receive this wonderfully inspiring organic conversation for you to delve deeper into your dreams, how to remember them, and why it's such an magical to inspire your creativity, discover your higher purpose and evolution. 

You can find Megan Mary at www.meganmary.com

as well as on LinkedIn: Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/meganmaryi/ 

If you want to hear more, subscribe to this podcase so you can get notified, and if you love it, please give it a gracious rating so more women can find it and by all means share with friends! 

Other ways to find me:

Join our Private Facebook Community at www.facebook.com/groups/luminarywoman

email: [email protected]

Want to learn how I can support you? You can schedule an Exploratory Call Here

Instagram: @danacanneto


You can also CLICK HERE FOR THE Link to elevate your frequency through my mini course called VITALITY

Music intro and outro by: "Woman" by the beautiful Amber Lily