Every single book, course and teaching on manifestation, money and wealth say the same thing: YOU HAVE TO FEEL IT FIRST.

You have to know the energy, emotions and essence of your desires before you can see them unfold in your reality.

This would confuse me. Like how can I feel something I havent yet experienced?

And I know this is tripping you up too. It doesn't make sense, does it?

Well, after a lot of frustration, disappintment and defeat, I finally surrendered and went back to those chapters in the books, and made the effort to understand what it all meant.

It took ONE chapter in the book called "a Happy Pocket Full of Money" for me to receive the most monumental realization.

It was and IS the answer to "feeling it first", and I am SO excited to bring this realization to you today.

So, dive into this epic conversation and pleeeeeeeease share your thoughts with me. ENJOY!



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