My guest this month is Missy Toy Ozeas, an energy healer, guide, and teacher based in California. We had a beautiful and resonant conversation about energy healing and clearing, and how she works with clients. This episode will hopefully provide the inspiration to seek this level of work on oneself, especially if you have felt blocked in any arena of your life. I even got a little taste of her work as she gives me a mini-session! 


Missy Toy Ozeas is an Energy Healer, Guide & Teacher. She did not set out to be an energy healer; in fact, for most of her life, she hid her unusual gifts of being able to see energy and energetic patterns because it was too “woo woo” and “out there." 

After finally accepting her life’s purpose, Missy became certified as an Advanced Intuitive Healer, Emotion Code & Body Code practitioner, Reiki II Practitioner, Quantum Human Design Level 1 Specialist, Soul Purpose Coach, Spiritual Life Coach, and a graduate of SIGH's Spiritual Leaders & Teachers Apprentice Program. 
Today, she works with empathic souls all over the world to clear their limiting beliefs, trapped emotions, and other energy blocks so they can show up authentically as their whole, radiant, and worthy selves.

Visit Missy's website to join one of her small group healings, her energy empowerment membership The Whole Soul Journey, or to work with her 1:1 in her signature program, Expansion, to help empathic visionaries step into their next level by banishing self-doubt to emerge as leaders in their field.

Learn more about Missy's work at

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