My guest this month is Kate Heartsong, an author, coach, facilitator, speaker, and Reiki Master/Teacher with an empowering message to share with the world around this pivotal and transformative time of human evolution. It was a pleasure to dive in with her to discuss many important subjects including: the importance of doing our personal work during these times on behalf of the collective, raising our vibration, the power of our interconnection, and the change process in humans. 

Kate is a lovely and positive woman and it was a joy to connect with her. I hope that you receive some inspirational juice to keep moving forward on your own path as the wheels of change continue to turn.  

Kate Heartsong is the empowering and life-enhancing author of two books, Humanity’s Cry for Change - Actions You Can Take to Create a New Earth and Deeply We Are One. She is also the “Confidence Coach”, a workshop facilitator, coauthor, public speaker and Reiki Master/Teacher. For over 20 years, Kate has been receiving profound insights while meditating. 

She is passionate about supporting her clients, audiences and readers with these insights, along with the wisdom from her vast life experiences and education. Kate empowers people to realize that as they better themselves and create inner peace, they also support creating peace worldwide. Her quote says it best: “Peace within, peace on earth.”

Learn more about Kate's work on her website, and follow her on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and GoodReads.

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