Today’s guest is Bex Burton, a love coach who specializes in working with fiercely independent women to create lasting love and deeply connected partnership. I felt an immediate draw to Bex and her work as the language she speaks is so resonant in the world of dating and relationship for women in later chapters of life looking for that mutually loving partnership.

We dive into some fun, real, and empowering conversation around a wide array of topics in this realm including the difference between being independent vs. sovereign, self-love, emotional availability, and -- my favorite part of our chat -- the “buttpucker zone."

I left this conversation feeling enlivened, inspired, and eager for more! I hope that you will as well.

A Note: I will be bringing both Bex and her hubby, Nicholas Whitaker (Episode 27) back together to share their collective wisdom for a deep dive into the realm of relationship in a few weeks! Stay tuned.


Bex Burton helps fiercely independent women attract and grow lasting love, without sacrificing who they are or what they want out of life. Over the last decade, Bex has committed to the study and growth of lasting love within herself, and within her Union with her Beloved. Through her signature programs: Your Majesty, and Core Joy Living, she helps other fiercely independent women do the same. Bex inspires deeply transformational experiences through movement, mindfulness, meditation, and manifestation tools, via live and online programs, spectacle dance performances, and nature-immersive glamping retreats.

Visit her website,, and follow her on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube.