We are back in the third week of the EM Student summer break, so we are bringing back an episode from October of last year called Systems Thinking. Dan Scott interviews Dr. Steve Jensen and Dr. Shirley Feldmann-Jensen, professors at CSU Long Beach, in the Emergency Services Administration Master's degree program. We aired an interview with one of their colleagues, Jude Cole, a few weeks ago so you’ll have heard a bit about the program before, but Dr. Jensen and Dr. Feldmann-Jensen are able to add more information about the program and its curriculum, so be sure to tune in!

CSU Long Beach, ESA Masters degree: https://www.cpie.csulb.edu/courses/master-of-science-in-emergency-services-administration
Searching for Safety by Aaron Wildavsky: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/2132063.Searching_for_Safety
Core Competencies document: https://training.fema.gov/hiedu/docs/emcompetencies/final_%20ngcc_and_measures_aug2017.pdf

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Mid-Atlantic Center for Emergency Management: https://macem.org/Home.aspx

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