I have ventured in unchartered waters and I'm thrilled!!!!

this is my 1st attempt at playing with video.  Bad video quality (HD
Camara on it's way), iffy editing, but hey, I did it all myself!  Yeay
for iMovie.  I kid you not, it's a fantastic little program for newbies
like me ;)

Anyway, so the stuff that's in the podcast is some
feedback that I sent to a fellow podcaster that I admire very much,
Father Roderick of the Daily Breakfast, for he just started his own first video podcast called Healthy Catholic,
and it inspired me to get my behind going on this stuff.  I sent this
info to him 'cause he's been getting back into running, so this little
video is just a couple of ways that you can stretch out tired feet :)

 Please let me know what you think!!!!!!