This week, we are pleased to welcome the man of mystery, a King of the Jungle, but above all the baron of Black Sheep. Made that last one up for alliteration's sake. This is a take, I am truly excited for - there's so much to discuss, I'm pretty sure we have James back before we even get started. From Wine Sommelier to World Traveler, James, alongside his wife Angela have nearly done it all. So, how did this modern-day Magellan settle on the premium cigar industry? We find out that and more. Some highlights: James's reaction when his then 3-year-old son brought home a snake, the nomad lifestyle, and how he built a community around his brand and culture.  Enjoy!


Swarm Released earlier this month:

2019 IPCPR Spotlight:

Formation of Oveja Negra Brands:


To the #ELOsoFumarTakes community, I have decided to take part in a survey that is aimed at capturing the influence of our podcast, in addition to other Cigar Industry media. I ask you, humbly, to take a few minutes and take part in this survey. Two major points:

1) No personal info will be asked for or given by you
2) THE GOAL: to see what, if any, influence and impact Cigar Media has on the way you, the consumer, views and takes part in this industry we love.

It would honor me to hear and see your thoughts. Thank you in advance.

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