Understanding the Real Cause of Burnout
Join radio host, Jeanne Catherine and family therapist, Rohini Ross, to explore and discover the real cause for burnout!
In this interview Rohini shares her own story of burnout and her discoery of the real cure. After inadvertently caming across the three principles in a coaching program, Rohini shifted from thinking her experience of overwhelm was coming from her work, to seeing it as a result of her own thinking. This new conversation goes beyond cognitive therapy or meditation practice and gave Rohini a new experience and more access to her innate resilience. Don't miss this opportunity to hear her story, share your thoughts or find the end of burnout for yourself!
This new conversation goes beyond cognitive therapy or meditation practice, and gives listeners a new experience and more access to innate resilience and well being. Don't miss this opportunity to hear her story, share your thoughts or find the end of burnout for yourself!
Guest Bio: Rohini Ross is passionate about helping people wake up to their true nature. She is a psychotherapist, a transformative coach, and author of the Soul-Centered Series.
Her defining moment with the Principles happened during an intensive with Linda Pransky where she saw her humanness is not something to be fixed. This relieved the tremendous pressure she had been putting on herself to be better, and she experienced her spiritual nature more fully.
Rohini is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and a graduate of the Pransky Mentorship Program. She helps individuals, couples, and professionals to embrace all of who they are so they can experience greater levels of wellbeing, resiliency, and success. She also co-facilitates The Space Mastermind for Solopreneurs with Barb Patterson. You can follow Rohini on Facebook, watch her Vlogs with her husband, Angus Ross, and subscribe to her blog on her website, www.rohiniross.com.