It seems like a life time ago; the first time I was groped on the subway by a strange "old" man; the time my high school was dismissed early, a SWAT team guns aimed down from the roof, to dissuade gang activity; friends asking me to use my whiteness to get a taxi for us. Perhaps this sounds like a bad movie but it was a part of my childhood growing up in NYC.
After years of random acts of violence, I packed my silence into my body. With two working parents, caught in their own realities, I didn't know any other way to take care of myself. I got sick, felt pain, and hooked on pain relief medication and alcohol.
Now I barely remember that life! I can't believe I was just describing me. Did a miracle happen? No, I discovered how my human experience worked and the implications of this simple understanding transformed my experience of life forever.
I wouldn't do this show, and share all this personal stuff, it I didn't know that everyone has the same capacity for insight, healing and better outcomes in experience. Join us this Monday to hear my story and find out how change happens from the inside-out.
Jeanne Catherine-Gray started her business with NO MONEY. A stay at home mom with PTSD; going through a demanding and rigorous divorce process in Charlottesville, VA. Jeanne dreamed of finding personal freedom and ease of mind with other human beings. Jeanne rented a space with NO IDEA of where the rent would come from. Deeply committed to transforming the landscape of contemporary psychology and its applications in the real world, Jeanne has successfully built a community of practitioners and provides training programs for coaches and therapists. Her voracious intellectual curiosity and comfort with listening for insight is complemented by her capacity for action, and genuine care for other human beings. Jeanne values a principle-based understanding that naturally improves listening and well-being; increasing peace of mind, community satisfaction and desirable outcomes. With twenty-four years of experience working with groups, Jeanne’s willingness to go straight to the heart of the problem, and not be afraid of anything, reaps great benefits at work (, as a host on the radio show, Waking Up: The Neuroscience of Awareness ( and as a volunteer mediator & parent educator in Charlottesville, VA.