Join Jeanne Catherine Gray as she hosts Krista and Reed Smith to talk about the topic of addiction. Krista and Reed are looking forward to sharing their view of addiction, how it is best treated, and how to integrate treatment ideas out there. Their focus is and has been on understanding: it's not ever the tools themselves that help.
Reed and Krista are ecstatic to announce, live, their upcoming plans in the addiction field for the future, including hands on recovery therapies, webinars and public speaking events.
Reed came across the Principles in 2010 and the insights gained from that completely changed his life. His relationship with his wife, kids, friends, and even work were transformed into healthy, compassionate, and loving relationships, and he realized that he wanted to be a part of something that would allow him to share this understanding with as many people as possible. When he began his career in substance abuse treatment recovery, he realized that the Principles and mindfulness were the missing pieces to meaningful change and lasting recovery. With that in mind, he co-founded the first private principles-based residential center, and has been active in the recovery community as well as the 3P community.
Krista was introduced to the Principles through her husband Reed, which also completely transformed her life. A published photographer and author, she has also been instrumental in bringing the principles to recovery, developing and teaching her own Principles Based curriculum for recovery. Krista recently returned to school to receive a bachelors in psychology in an effort to be able to reach more people in and out of recovery about living their best life through the Principles, and will soon complete her Masters degree in the same. She looks forward to being able to share the Principles and mindfulness practices and is active in recovery and 3P communities