Limits are nothing more than stumbling blocks, that exist between you and your goal(s). Sadly enough, a lot of people find it hard to push themselves beyond their limits. Most give up wanting more and accept things as they are. However, as long as you have a desire to achieve success, you will have to face your fears and push yourself beyond your limits. Failure to do so will keep you stuck, and you will end up with a closet full of dreams, that were never realized. So, how do you push past your limits? 

(1). Take That First Step. What you need to get started is that first step. It may not be easy at first, but very few things come easy at first. But if you stick to it, it will get easier and more fun over time. 

(2). Inspire Yourself. Don’t wait for things or other people to motivate you. You need to discover your own inner motivation! If you need some motivation, you may want to watch motivational videos, listen to motivational podcasts, take a quiet walk or sip on a cup of tea, and clear your mind as you write in your journal.  

(3). Create The Best Environment For Thinking. The right environment will always inspire you to succeed and make good choices. 

(4). Don’t Always Choose The Safe Choice. Go for the ones that will cause you to dream bigger. You can’t grow by giving into to safer choices. Get out of your comfort zone and explore new things now.

(5). Visualize Your Next Level. What would it look like to be happily married? What would it look like to be successful in your business and/or your career? What would it look like to touch other people’s lives for a living? Seeing things as if they were, will help you focus more on your goals and achieve the success that awaits you. 

(6). Learn From Others. Nothing that we do is new, somebody somewhere has already done it. So why not study what worked for them, so you can learn how to overcome setbacks.  

(7). Do What Scares You. If what you are doing scares you, then that’s the thing you should be doing. This is how you face your fear(s) and win.
(8). Work On Your Weaknesses. Most of our limits are a result of our weaknesses. It could be bad habits, poor self-esteem, or physical limitation. Our weaknesses can make a small mountain look much bigger than what it really is. 

(9). Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For Help. Always remember you don’t have to take on all of this by yourself. 
Having someone to support you can help with any negative thoughts you may have. Your help can be a life coach, mentor, your spouse, a friend, your family, or an accountability partner. They can make sure you keep pushing forward and not get stuck in your comfort zone.

Final Thoughts: You have to push yourself past the limits you have set for yourself, in order to reach your goals. There is no alternative to greatness than sacrificing your comfort and accomplishing great things. Life does not reward complacency or mediocrity. But by pushing yourself, you can break through barriers and walk the paths that others have not.  Once you break through your limits, you will be amazed at the great things, you will accomplish. 


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