CPS (Collaboritive Proactive Solutions) is a model that takes it a step deeper than "behavior" to find support needs or difficulties, and is also a model that teaches problem solving and buiding rapport. 

Santana Ficken is a mental health provider and autustic adult that works as an advocate with Minasota NEAT, Minnesota Neurodivergent Education, Advocacy, and Therapy Services (MnNEAT), a non-profit group that specialized in supporting neurodivergent people to be included across the livespan.

In this episode we cover:

1) What the CPS model is and why it's worth it to invest time into learning

2) The "lens change" that can help get to the root of difficulties your child is experiencing (rather than everyone focusing on behavior)

3) How Santanna has used the model within the context of IEP advoacy

4) How the CPS method can help with identifyng accommodations and goals for your child

Minnasota NEAT: https://mnneat.org/

Minnasota NEAT email: [email protected]

Download the Podcast Listening Guide: https://TheIEPLab.com/listen

Shownotes: https://TheIEPLab.com/episode135