Dr. Corey gives a crash course in the pathway to developing Type 2 Diabetes as well as information for resolving it.  

website: http://www.drcoreysondrupdc.com
facebook: Corey Sondrup DC
Instagram: @coreysondrupdc
TikTok: @drcoreychiro

Diabet-X by Health of Eden

pubmed 9355888
pubmed 374643
pubmed 28526025
pubmed 23386268
pubmed 30484738 - Study showing 88% of American adults are metabolically unhealthy

Top researches and physicians you'll want to follow to learn more about insulin resistance, metabolic dysfunction, why we get sick and how to reverse illness.
Cate Shanahan, MD
Ken Berry, MD
Ben Bikman, PhD
Chris Knobbe, MD
Paul Mason, MD