As the CEO of National Association for Home Care and Hospice, Bill Dombi is a prominent supporter of the Choose Home Care Act of 2021 – a piece of federal legislation that would expand Medicare coverage of in-home health care services.

Addressing the relative lack of home care alternatives to nursing facilities has become a rallying cry for lawmakers and advocates alike in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. But even Dombi, whose organization represents a variety of home-based care providers, believes that true reform will only happen with a comprehensive approach that both bolsters home care options and revolutionizes the traditional nursing home. 

Instead of looking at home health expansion as a threat, Dombi asserts, operators of nursing homes and other communal settings should see spectrum-wide reform as a significant opportunity – to provide better care for elders, to support and develop a stronger and more durable caregiving workforce, and to invest in the health of their businesses throughout the ever-changing pandemic landscape.


Learn more about the Choose Home bill:

Learn more about the National Association for Home Care and Hospice:

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