As president of the National Association for Home Care and Hospice, Bill Dombi is a prominent supporter of the Choose Home Care Act of 2021 – a piece of federal legislation that would expand Medicare coverage of in-home health care services.

In this episode Marla takes a closer look at what is included in the Choose Home bill – what does it mean for discharge planning from hospitals, the implications and history of the “3-Day Rule”, AND a look at the cost savings from the bill to Medicare.

Mary explores the national association that Dombi heads up and what their 35,000-member organizations receive in return. For example, a HomeCare University filled with educational resources for those connected in the business.  

We also discuss compensation for the Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) and what it takes to become one today.  We look at the anticipated demand for that profession and react to the comments from Dombi calling the CNA compensation levels “pathetic”.


Learn more about the Choose Home bill:

Learn more about reasons to repeal the 3-day requirement:

Learn more about becoming a CNA:

Learn more about The Green House Project: