The voices from the Pioneer Network conference continue to speak as Alex Spanko and Penny Cook break down a pair of interviews focusing on the need for inherent humanity – and not just medical care – in eldercare settings.

First up, Paul Falkowski discusses his advocacy for the vital role of nursing home volunteers, unsung heroes and lifelines for elders who were among those shut out of buildings during the pandemic. Paul challenges providers to see volunteers not just as extra hands for tasks but critical companions for elders who don’t always interact with people outside of their caregiving teams.

Then Vicki DeKlerk-Rubin discusses validation training, the groundbreaking dementia care framework originally developed by her mother, Naomi Feil. Instead of challenging or scolding people with dementia for exhibiting aggression or confusion, validation training equips caregivers with tools designed to make elders feel heard, accepted, and understood.

Falkowski and DeKlerk-Rubin have different roles in person-directed care, but they have the same mission: caring for the whole person, not just a set of symptoms.


Learn more about Falkowski’s work with VolunCheerLeader:

Explore the history and principles of validation training:

Show notes/call to action: Learn more about The Green House Project: