Organizations in all industries have embraced the value of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in their operations – but how can eldercare organizations go beyond trainings and workshops to create truly inclusive cultures?

We asked that question to a variety of leaders at the Pioneer Network conference this past July. Join an all-star team of voices from across the eldercare spectrum for a challenging, honest, and open conversation about the barriers that people of color, LGTBQ folks, and others still face when taking a seat at the table – and how we can work to make our communities welcome to all.

You’ll hear from:

Marvell Adams, Jr., founder and CEO of W Lawson and Green House Project board member  Deke Cateau, CEO of A.G. Rhodes Ykeytta Spriggs, HR professional, Green House intern, and rising eldercare leader Sherrill Wayland, director of special initiatives at SAGE and program lead for the Long-Term Care Equality Index (LEI)  Dan Stewart, associate director of the Aging Equality Project at the Human Rights Campaign Foundation and LEI program co-lead


Learn about the Long-Term Care Equality Index:

Connect with Marvell Adams, Jr.:

Read Brush Fire, Deke Cateau’s book about his experiences at A.G. Rhodes during COVID:

Show notes/call to action: Learn more about The Green House Project: