This Thanksgiving week, “Elevate Eldercare” hands the mic over to three dedicated caregivers from the Green House Cottages of Homewood in Mena, Ark.

Administrator Vicki Hughes, RN Toni Lawrence, and Shahbaz/CNA Kerri Rye gather around a virtual gratitude table to discuss their reasons for working in eldercare, the power of the Green House model for staff and elders alike, and how caregivers can creatively balance pandemic safety with the need for unstructured social events and interactions.

As the sector continues to sort out ways to solve workforce shortages and improve care in nursing homes, it’s vitally important to take a break from big-picture debates and let the selfless professionals who work with elders every day tell their stories.

The Green House Project thanks Vicki, Toni, and Kerri for sharing their unique perspectives – and we thank all of the frontline caregivers and support staff who will spend this holiday season working around the clock to keep elders healthy, safe, and empowered to live a full life no matter their physical or cognitive abilities. 


 Learn more about the Green House Cottages of Homewood:

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