As leaders from across the long-term care continuum continue to search for solutions to the worsening workforce shortage Robert Espinoza has a simple piece of advice: Learn more about caregivers’ challenges and solve them to help them stay in the sector. Espinoza is the vice president of policy at PHI – an eldercare workforce advocacy and research group.

In this episode of “Let Me Say This About That”, we explore the SAGE organization, where Espinoza once worked and his appreciation for what he learned about how a lifetime of discrimination affects a person.  We also explore his current organization, PHI. 

We hope you are ready for some interesting statistics because Marla did a deep dive into a report from PHI and found some eye-opening information behind this crippling workforce scarcity.  

We wrap up with some recommendations on how to help alleviate the workforce shortage and wonder if “this is the moment” when real action can take place for direct care workers.


Learn more about The Green House Project:

Learn more about Caring for the Future – The Power and Potential of America’s Direct Care Workforce:

Read Federal Policy Priorities for Direct Care Workforce:

Read the PHI brochure:

Learn more about SAGE: