Revisiting the Teaching Nursing Home was designed to pair Pennsylvania nursing homes with area schools of nursing, introducing up-and-coming nurses to careers in eldercare while also infusing age-friendly care practices into the communities’ operations.

But according to Nancy Zionts, the primary investigator on the project – as well as the chief operating officer and chief program officer at the Pittsburgh-based Jewish Healthcare Foundation – the program went beyond the clinical, bringing an energy and enthusiasm to the participating nursing homes that had been sorely lacking during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Zionts joins the podcast to discuss the program’s successes, its future expansion plans, and the ongoing benefits of collaborations between students and professionals in geriatrics.

Read an overview of the project from the John A. Hartford Foundation, one of its primary funders:

Learn about the four M’s of age-friendly eldercare:

Visit the Pennsylvania Teaching Nursing Homes Collaborative website, available in late January: