As eldercare CEOs and women of color, Anita Holt and Frances Salinas are relative rarities in a sector that’s supposed to serve people of all races and backgrounds equally.

They join the podcast this week to discuss their work at their respective communities – Holt at The Forest at Duke in Durham, N.C. and Salinas at Wesley Willows in Rockford, Ill. – and the various ways that emphasizing diversity has improved both care and the workforce.

Holt and Salinas remind us that diversity is about ensuring that people of all genders, races, sexual orientations, and ethnic backgrounds feel welcome and respected at all levels of an eldercare organization, from the boardroom to resident rooms. It’s also about welcoming a diversity of perspectives, breaking free from the traditional sources of power and influence in both non-profit and for-profit organizations to build the types of settings that truly reflect the communities they serve.

Learn more about The Forest at Duke:

Learn about Wesley Willows: