Hi, and a warm welcome to The Human Side of Business Podcast. I’m your host Ange MacCabe. I am pleased to introduce you to Dr. Eric Holsapple, Founder and Lead Facilitator at Living in the Gap.

Dr. Eric, has realized the value of mindfulness as not only a path to personal success, but as a sound business strategy. Mindfulness can increase company productivity, reduce health-care costs, and give businesses a competitive edge. It also creates an opportunity for far-reaching influence and impact. When shared within an organization, mindfulness produces a ripple effect that can not only transform company culture but can also expand the happiness and well-being of its employees, their families, communities, and essentially --the world. 

Eric’s book, Profit with Presence: The Twelve Pillars of Mindful Leadership (available 3/7/23), helps readers learn that bringing mindfulness to the workplace is an investment that pays out real dividends. 

In this episode, Dr. Eric and I examine how to practice mindful leadership within teams.

Learn more about Dr. Eric Holsapple

Show Notes

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