Colette takes the following questions from the listeners:

How to tailor food to fit ayurveda e.g. Mexican, Italian etc?

Intermittent fasting according to Ayurveda?

Overeating as a Vata, especially at dinner time?

I want to know more about exercising for my body type?

What to do when your partner doesn't "buy" into the Ayurvedic lifestyle?

Get Colette's special download for this episode 'What's My Current Imbalance/Vikriti'? (see episode #113)

Find out more information on the following events:

Group Digestive Reset Cleanse starting Jan 24th, 2020 Group Reset-Restore-Renew Program starting Jan 24th Group Daily Habits for Holistic Health starting Feb 21st

Enter the competition to with a FREE entry into the Digestive Reset Cleanse starting Jan 24th.

Receive the Exercise For Your Dosha Download here (scroll down to episode #14).

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