Colette chats with Amy Wheeler about love and relationships. How Ayurveda and Yoga therapy can help us to attract and maintain a sattvic relationship. They discuss:

What is love The Ayurvedic phases of a relationship Preparing yourself for a sattvic relationship The power of bhavana in attracting a partner Amy's bhavana story  The dangers of an empath/narcissist relationship Watch out for the 'love bombs' Moving forward after a break up Understanding your partners dosha to create a sattvic relationship The appeal of a person who lives their truth Encouraging you to get your sexy on by living your truth

In this episode we chatted about the importance of having a daily self-care practice to ensure you're in balance, in order to have a sattvic relationship. If you would like support on implementing a daily self-care practice join Colette's next online group Daily Habits for Holistic Health Course

Here's the link to the Elements of Ayurveda Podcast Facebook Group mentioned in this show. 

Thanks for listening!