Kate O’Donnell is a three-time bestselling author, a highly sought-after speaker and the founder of the Ayurvedic Living Institute where she has educated a generation of practitioners. Kate’s highly anticipated new book Everyday Ayurveda for Women's Health drops April 2024 and Colette discusses this book with Kate in this episode. They cover the following topics:

Why Kate wrote this book and how she would like readers to use it. The Ayurvedic perspective on hormones. The effect of stress on our hormones. The importance of agni (digestion) for hormonal health. Recipes for enhancing digestion, ojas and hormones. The importance of living in tune with our current stage of life.


Visit Kate's website www.healwithkate.org

Download your free audio of some of the book chapters here.


Visit Colette's website www.elementshealingandwellbeing.com 

Online consultations & Gift Vouchers Private at-home Digestive Reset Cleanse tailored to you Educational programs - Daily Habits for Holistic Health

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