Are you a producer that struggles with getting more streams on your tracks?

Nothing says frustration like producing a song for 20+ hours just to release it to the world with getting less than 100 streams on your track.

You might even be in the position where you're getting a significant amount of plays, it's just that not enough people are listening through your track to where it actually counts as a stream.

If you're in this position, then this is the episode for you!

Today, I'm talking about how you can get more streams as a producer, so that you can make that $$$ so that you can be even closer to becoming full time as a producer.

In this episode, you'll learn...

How to get more streamsWhat it means to invest in your careerHow to get on more playlistsWhere to go to get on more playlistsHow to determine who your audience isWhat to look for in your audience

and much more...

Head to to check out the full show notes!