Since 2002, Pam Hunter has been organizing annual Scrabble tournaments to raise money for Multiple Sclerosis. I dropped in on this year’s event and learned that, like baseball, Scrabble is rich with strategy and language including speed games, board-vision, heavy tiles and “box scores”. Show ID and Intro Interviews with participants and event organizer, Pam […]

Since 2002, Pam Hunter has been organizing annual Scrabble tournaments to raise money for Multiple Sclerosis. I dropped in on this year’s event and learned that, like baseball, Scrabble is rich with strategy and language including speed games, board-vision, heavy tiles and “box scores”.

Show ID and Intro
Interviews with participants and event organizer, Pam Hunter

Ottawa Scrabble Club
Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada

The search for ‘qi’

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Photo: Valeria Huber