Honk! Honk! Let MachineDaena and Salmon entertain you in the wonderful world of the Electric Honk Podcast! A world of humour, politics, sport and some genuinley interesting random facts!

This week we cover:

Weird News Catch up - BBC Sex Noises & Hydraulic Urinal Death

Less Intense Movie Titles

MrBeast New Health Service - Cures 1000 People of Blindness

Salmon on Strike

Shell Profits Highest in 115 Year History at £32Bn

Top Shelf – Infusionist Sticky Toffee Pudding Review

Doomsday Clock 90 Seconds to Midnight (cut fully if you absolutely need to)

50 Shades of Halifax

Michelle Mone’s Yacht Renamed to Pandemic Profiteer

Boston and Skegness Constituency Do NOT Regret Brexit

Goose News – Goose Goose Duck Game Smashes Steam Player Records

The Headliner – “I blew off the butcher for his last pigs in blankets then my drunk hubby stuck them up his ***”

Wanted Earless Guy goes Viral on Liverpool Echo (minor trims if you can)

Salmons Latest Business Ideas

Pork Scratchings – Universe 25

Beyonce Fever

Mason Greenwood – Cleared of Allegations

Transfer window Slams Shut for Jan 2023 

Is Will Still?