Show notes:

01 Reading Cendrine Marrouat's Twitter bio. @cendrinemedia
02 - "Be a Publisher". Lyceum's page on
04 This Week in Social Media: 7 Predictions from the Community for 2015 - blog
10 Social Media as a Megaphone: Case Study - Social Media Slant
17  B2B News Network -
20 The Little Big eBook on Social Media Audiences: Build Yours, Keep It, and Win
26 Midroll talking points: 

For you, the listeners of EGO NetCast podcast, Audible is offering a free audiobook download with a free 30-day trial to give you the opportunity to check out their service.

28 Mark Zuckerberg Starts A Book Club As His New Year's Resolution - Forbes

@AYearOfBooks15 I suggested @engesethsblog's #Sharkonomics. #ayearofbooks

— Martin Lindeskog (@Lyceum) January 10, 2015

28 Sharkonomics: How To Attack Market Leaders by 

Show notes:

01 Reading Cendrine Marrouat's Twitter bio. @cendrinemedia
02 - "Be a Publisher". Lyceum's page on
04 This Week in Social Media: 7 Predictions from the Community for 2015 - blog
10 Social Media as a Megaphone: Case Study - Social Media Slant
17  B2B News Network -
20 The Little Big eBook on Social Media Audiences: Build Yours, Keep It, and Win
26 Midroll talking points: 

For you, the listeners of EGO NetCast podcast, Audible is offering a free audiobook download with a free 30-day trial to give you the opportunity to check out their service.

28 Mark Zuckerberg Starts A Book Club As His New Year's Resolution - Forbes

@AYearOfBooks15 I suggested @engesethsblog's #Sharkonomics. #ayearofbooks

— Martin Lindeskog (@Lyceum) January 10, 2015

28 Sharkonomics: How To Attack Market Leaders by Stefan Engeseth.
30 Half-time: Thoughts on the trader principle.
34 Benevolent Universe Premise - Ayn Rand Lexicon
35 Givers Gain: The BNI Story by Ivan Misner and Jeff Morris.
35 The Referral Engine: Teaching Your Business to Market Itself by John Jantsch. Get it free as an audiobook download via
36 Martin Lindeskog's page on Patreon. Become a patron of EGO NetCast show!
36 Urbanista Fluffly Cloud San Francisco and Audio Technica ATH-C505 corded headsets.
38 Social Media 101 classes in Winnipeg, Canada. 
39 McNally Robinson Booksellers on Pinterest.
40 Jeff Bezos was the driving force behind Amazon’s Fire Phone flop - Gigaom
42 Moleskine notebook and Pico pen.
44 Love Is the Killer App: How to Win Business and Influence Friends by Tim Sanders. Get it free as an audiobook download via
45 Cendrine Marrouat's site, Social Media Slant.
47 EGO NetCast on Twitter and Facebook.

Listen to my interview with Cendrine Marrouat on the embedded podcast player by Libsyn:


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Link to EGO NetCast blog post.


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