Ask me, Martin Lindeskog, a.k.a Lyceum (on Twitter), questions on new media, business philosophy, and the good life.

Call to action: Please sign up for my new newsletter, EGO NetCast Bulletin. 

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Show notes:

01 Green screen - Podconsult's web shop
03 StayFocused -
04 EGO Interview with Brett OwensChrometa
05 Lee Sandstead -
06 Lyceum on Patreon
06 Patron of the artsmaecenas
07 Linchpin: Are You Indispensable? by Seth Godin
07 The Freaks Shall Inherit the Earth: Entrepreneurship for Weirdos, Misfits, and World Dominators by Chris Brogan
08 The School of Athens by Raphael
09 Art - Ayn Rand Lexicon
10 Earl Grey tea

Ask me, Martin Lindeskog, a.k.a Lyceum (on Twitter), questions on new media, business philosophy, and the good life.

Call to action: Please sign up for my new newsletter, EGO NetCast Bulletin. 

Subscribe to EGO NetCast Bulletin
* indicates required
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Show notes:

01 Green screen - Podconsult's web shop
03 StayFocused -
04 EGO Interview with Brett OwensChrometa
05 Lee Sandstead -
06 Lyceum on Patreon
06 Patron of the artsmaecenas
07 Linchpin: Are You Indispensable? by Seth Godin
07 The Freaks Shall Inherit the Earth: Entrepreneurship for Weirdos, Misfits, and World Dominators by Chris Brogan
08 The School of Athens by Raphael
09 Art - Ayn Rand Lexicon
10 Earl Grey tea
10 Tea53 black tea blend - Meylah online store
10 Matcha green tea -

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