The failed PedalCell CadenceX Bike Generator from the previous mailbag video is tested, torn down, analysed, hilrariously laughed at, and dodgily repaired. 00:00 – Failed Pedalcell generator – getting the pinout 02:00 – The PCB 02:40 – Oscilloscope rotation test 03:45 – Dremel speed Captain! 04:22 – Generator teardown 05:32 – Hmm, what’s going ...

The failed PedalCell CadenceX Bike Generator from the previous mailbag video is tested, torn down, analysed, hilrariously laughed at, and dodgily repaired.
00:00 – Failed Pedalcell generator – getting the pinout
02:00 – The PCB
02:40 – Oscilloscope rotation test
03:45 – Dremel speed Captain!
04:22 – Generator teardown
05:32 – Hmm, what’s going on with these stator coils
06:00 – Hall effect sensors
06:58 – A-HA Gotcha. These magnets make no sense at all!
08:47 – Someone skimped at the glue factory
11:27 – It’s just a BLDC Brusshless DC motor being used as a generator
12:48 – Nothing that can’t be fixed with some epoxy
14:00 – Vrooooom!


