The report has been released on the Tesla Moorabool Victoria Big battery fire by Energy Safe Victoria, let’s go through it and discuss the cause. Report: Forum: 00:00 – Overview Tesla Moorabool Fire 02:44 – Finding on the cause of the fire 07:14 – Corrections and improvements required to get back online ...

The report has been released on the Tesla Moorabool Victoria Big battery fire by Energy Safe Victoria, let’s go through it and discuss the cause.
Report: Forum:
00:00 – Overview Tesla Moorabool Fire
02:44 – Finding on the cause of the fire
07:14 – Corrections and improvements required to get back online
09:26 – Physical pack spacing
11:01 – Statement of Technical Findings Report
12:30 – Root cause
13:45 – Contributory Factors
16:53 – Lessons leanred and preventing a recurrence
17:31 – Dave’s hypothesis
20:49 – Fire propagation prevention
22:28 – Conclusion
24:50 – Other installations