This week we met with Chris Moore at the Apple Headquarters to discuss empowering students using technology. He is an engaging teacher who provides students with the skills they needs to be a positive member of the digital community. After the interview, you will be connected with our Travel Agents (yes, we have 2 this week!) and learn What’s in Our Suitcase.

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Twitter: @EduRoadTrip

Email: [email protected]

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Greg Bagby: @gregbagby

Justin Birckbichler: @mr_b_teacher

Mari Venturino: @msventurino

Main Segment

We met with Chris Moore at the Apple Headquarters to discuss empowering students using technology. He is a 3-5 grade technology teacher in Colorado. He engages his students in purposeful assignments using technology directed at a worldwide audience. He focuses on digital citizenship so they are prepared to handle the wide open internet on their own.

Twitter: @CMoor4

Travel Agent

This week we featured Jeff Veal and Nathan Lang as our travel agents. They are administrators from Tennessee and Texas who lead #leadupchat on Saturdays at 9:30 am EST. Find them on Twitter: @nalang1 and @heffrey.

What’s in Our Suitcase?

We are featuring Instagram Layout this week. Remix your photos into cool layouts or collages and share them with your friends via Instagram or other social media. It’s an easy way to showcase great things happening in your school, classroom, or with your friends.

Twitter Mentions