Michi Tassey is a music therapist, the keyboardist and vocalist for People Like You, as well as the songwriter behind Nature Shots - her latest solo effort, with which she recently released her debut LP, Foreclosure. Foreclosure is an emotionally dense album. Throughout our conversation, Michi and I get into how channeling very personal source material can make for a very cathartic experience - especially when being present in the moments of which you're channeling.

We also dig into Michi's work as a music therapist, where she understandably gets to nerd out a bit about how music impacts the brain - spoiler: it all comes down to rhythm - and how music can literally help people heal from traumatic injury. It's truly one of the most educational and informative conversations I've had on this podcast, and I'm sure you will love the hell out of it.

Here's a great Boston Globe article about the power of Michi's music therapy work.

MUSIC NOTE:- You get to hear a bunch of tunes from the new Nature Shots LP, "Foreclosure," on this episode!
- You hear the tunes, "three," "what is the word for when you are screaming and no one can hear?" and "a prayer; begging," throughout this episode.
- If you like what you hear, check out natureshots.bandcamp.com to listen to the entire album, and reach out the Michi if you would like to snag a cassette copy for yourself!


- This week we hyped the vinyl subscription service, Table Turned!
- Table-Turned is a DIY record-of-the-month club. Subscribers select from two genre options and receive a record each month for that genre, including some “classics” as well as albums they may have missed.
- Table-Turned was recently featured in Paste magazine AND in The Hype Magazine!
- Right now, folks can subscribe for either the Post-Hardcore genre option or the Shoegaze genre option $160 for an entire year. You will eventually be able to subscribe month-to-month for $15 a month. RESERVE YOUR COPIES NOW - you have just under TWO months to make this happen!
- To learn more and/or to start your subscription, visit Table-Turned.com!

- Any love on the iTunes app helps! CLICK HERE TO VISIT THE ITUNES STORE!
Don't forget, Android users - we are now on the Google Play Store!!
- Follow along on Instagram and Twitter @eduPUNXpod!

Thanks so much for tuning in and I'll see you next week!