Dan O'Hara is an Associate Director of Residence Life at Champlain College...for now. Dan is on his way of education after a decade in the field. In this chat, we dig into Dan's experience as a truly authentic and tattooed professional. We also get into the next step of Dan's of life - working in a craft brewery in Burlington, Vermont! Dan is PSYCHED for his new life outside of education, but that's doesn't mean he is leaving easily - there's a lot that he's gonna miss. We hope you like this chat and that it sheds some light on why folks leave the field and what it looks like to find a new passion later in life!

NOTE: Android users, we are now on the Google Play Store!!

- Dan is leaving the world of education to work with Foam Brewers in Burlington!
- Get you a copy of "The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay," by Michael Chabon.
- Just like me, Dan is a big fan of Futurama!
- Absolutely love that Dan quoted, "Local Man Ruins Everything," by the Wonder Years.
- Dan has been all about the powerful new Julien Baker album, "Turn Out the Lights."
- And for all time, Dan's a big lover of Belle and Sebastian.

- This week you get to hear from TWO bands from the folks at Howling Frequency Records because we are featuring the new Mineva/Brunettes split!
- If you like what you hear, please visit howlingfrequency.bandcamp.com! You can get the digital album at a name your own price rate, or even snag one of 50 cassettes that are available!?
- You can also follow the bands individually online! Check out Mineva at minevact.bandcamp.com! And Brunettes at brunettesct.bandcamp.com!


- This week we hyped the vinyl subscription service, Table Turned!
- Table-Turned is a DIY record-of-the-month club. Subscribers select from two genre options and receive a record each month for that genre, including some “classics” as well as albums they may have missed.
- Right now, folks can subscribe for either the Noise Rock genre option or the Americana Punk genre option $175 for an entire year. You can also subscribe month-to-month for $15 a month. This option only lasts until December 31, when their month-to-month option expires until the next round. Round Two’s records ship before January 1 - so RESERVE YOUR COPIES NOW!
- To learn more and/or to start your subscription, visit Table-Turned.com!

- Any love on the iTunes app helps! CLICK HERE TO VISIT THE ITUNES STORE!
- Follow along on Instagram and Twitter @eduPUNXpod!

Thanks so much for tuning in and I'll see you next week!