The blockbuster hit, ‘Black Panther’, may be set in the fictional afro-centric world of Wakanda, but the movie’s power of boosting diversity in STEM careers is very real.  According to the United States Department of Commerce, 7 out of 10 STEM positions in the US are held by white, non-Latinx people. Black, Native American, and Latinx (any race) workers are half as likely to hold STEM positions compared to the overall workforce.

It’s time to have some “real talk” about how representation absolutely matters and the impact positive, Black role models on the big screen has in changing the mindsets of Black students and their teachers in what can be achieved as a minority in our country.

What you will learn in this episode:

Hidden superpower of the ‘Black Panther” franchise.
Impact of Black STEM career role models
Strategies to increase diversity in STEM

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Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.