It’s time to have some “real talk” about why districts are struggling with recruiting and retaining diverse staff.  Having a diverse teacher and leadership workforce is critical, yet, few districts have achieved the goal of building a teaching workforce that looks like its students. In today’s episode, we will uncover challenges to your school or district DEI recruiting and retention efforts including the impact of the “Black Tax” plus tips to address these challenges.

There is no debate that recruiting and retaining teachers of color is essential. According to a summary of the research by the Learning Policy Institute, all students, including white students, benefit from having teachers of color.  In fact, in one study, students rank teachers of color higher than white teachers on multiple measures, including feeling cared for and academically challenged resulting in student academic gains. Moreover, research shows students of color do better academically and are more likely to graduate high school and go to college if some of their teachers look like them.

Check out our show notes for our specific DEI Recruitment & Retention Strategies from this episode. 

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Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.