On this episode of #Educrush we talk with Adam Mailman, a teacher, conductor, and musician who sees the potential for the music classroom to allow student to explore their limits. We explore some of the experiences and strategies that students undergo in the band room and how that can potentially apply to other spaces in school.

Alex on Twitter: @MrAlexNoel

Natalie on Twitter: @natabasso

Podcast on Twitter: @educrushpod

Podcast on Instagram: @educrushpod


Show Notes:

 Introduction 02:37

Music lends itself to community building 04:17

Skipping over the obvious 09:07

The Value of Music 11:21

Things to develop relationships in the class 15:36

Reminders of why 22:34

Things we can take from the band room 25:25

How do we support the band room 34:16

Thu purpose of Education 42:00

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