Oftentimes our “lingo” spills out into the real world. You know that one sentence that says you are a teacher, without saying “you’re a teacher”!  I am sure we all have those moments when your spouse or friends say “what did you just say?” 

Just last week, while I was in the grocery store I heard a woman say to the child with her “Please use your walking feet”.  I just knew she was a teacher.  Do you often say popular sayings like: “1, 2, 3 – eyes on me” or “Clap once if you can hear me”.  We asked our Facebook group in Fearless First Grade Teachers what says you’re a teacher, without coming out directly saying you’re a teacher?  While listening to this list, I hope I am not the only one that says “I say that…and that…oh yeah and that one!”  My goodness, I just said, “Please don’t lick your desk yesterday!”

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